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c) Encouragement Amidst Trouble (Matthew 10:26-33)
MATTHEW 10:29-31
29 Aren’t two sparrows sold for an assarion coin? Not one of them falls on the ground apart from your Father’s will, 30 but the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 6:26; Acts 27:34)
Our Heavenly Father is the Almighty, the Omnipotent. He knows every sparrow and looks after it. Not one of them falls to the ground without His notice and will. The very hairs of our heads are precisely numbered. You do not know how many hairs remain on your head, but your heavenly Father does. We do not die by chance, nor shall we suffer in vain, but our loving Father’s will prevails in our lives. He knows you, sees you, guides you and surrounds you in every direction. Your faith in your heavenly Father prevents you from fearing men, for they are unable to treat you but according to the direction of His providence. Your Father is the greatest of all. Look to him, not at your enemies. See beyond them His kind face.
If God numbers our hairs, much more does He number our heads and take care of our lives, our comforts and our souls. It intimates that God takes more care of us, than we do of ourselves. They who are solicitous to count their money and goods and cattle, are never careful to number their hairs, which fall out and are lost, and they never miss them. But God numbers the hairs of His people, and “not a hair of their head shall be lost” (Luke 21:18). Not the least hurt shall be done to them, except that allowed by His permissive will. So precious to God are His saints and their lives and deaths!
Do not fear destiny and divine decrees, for it is your heavenly Father who foreordained you and lifted you to His own level as His child, enabling you to choose the best in Christ.
PRAYER: O Heavenly Father, we thank You for You are the Almighty and the Omniscient. You know our past, present and future. We will not fear divine decrees, but we thank You for You are our Father who looks after us and knows the number of hairs of our heads. Please strengthen our faith that we may always serve You sincerely in word, deed and thought. Give our friends and relatives this spiritual insight that they may know that You are their loving Almighty Father too.
- What do fate and divine decrees signify in Christianity?