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"I will give to the thirsty of the fountain of the WATER OF LIFE freely." (Revelation 21:6)
Our ENGLISH homepage can be accessed through: http://www.waters-of-life.org
Our ARABIC homepage can be accessed through: http://hayatfudla.org
ARABIC and ENGLISH versions of the material on this homepage can also be accessed through: http://www.logoshouse.com/
The BIBLE in Multiple Languages -- for Downloading:
http://www.bookrix.de/library.html?user=helfen.aus.dank -- Free Bibles for downloading (33 versions)
http://gospelgo.com/bibles.htm -- Free Bibles for downloading (2000 languages)
http://ibt.org.ru/en/pc.htm -- Free Bible computer program with the Bible in 23 languages for downloading
The BIBLE in Multiple Languages -- for Online Bible Study:
http://bibledatabase.net -- Read many different versions of the Bible Online
http://biblos.com -- Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages Online
http://scripturetext.com -- Search the Bible in over 40 Languages Online
http://worldbibles.org -- Find the Bible in over 4,000 languages
http://www.biblegateway.com/versions/ -- 179 Online Bibles in 72 Languages
http://www.wordproject.org -- Read and Hear the Bible in over 40 Languages Online