Waters of Life

Biblical Studies in Multiple Languages

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Home -- Uploads in 2010

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"I will give to the thirsty of the fountain of the WATER OF LIFE freely." (Revelation 21:6)


DECEMBER 2010 -- (3200 pages)
ARABIC -- JOHN - النور يضيء في الظلمة -- (Meditations 1-130) -- December 2010
PEUL -- JOHN - Ndaygu ngun jalbi ka nder nibhe -- (Meditations 1-130) -- December 2010
TURKISH -- MARK - İsa Kimdir? -- (Meditations 1-112) -- December 2010
NOVEMBER 2010 -- (2500 pages)
TURKISH -- JOHN - Işık Karanlıkta Parlıyor -- (Meditations 1-130) -- November 2010
UZBEK -- JOHN - Nur zulmatda porlaydi -- (Meditations 1-130) -- November 2010
OCTOBER 2010 -- (2200 pages)
ENGLISH -- COLOSSIANS - Christ in you, the hope of glory! -- (Meditations 1-53) -- October 2010
FRENCH -- JOHN - La lumière luit dans les ténèbres -- (Meditations 1-130) -- October 2010
SEPTEMBER 2010 -- (1900 pages)
CHINESE -- JOHN - 光照在黑暗中 -- (Meditations 1-130) -- September 2010
INDONESIAN -- JOHN - Terang bersinar di dalam kegelapan -- (Meditations 1-130) -- September 2010
SERBIAN -- JOHN - Svetlost svetli u tami -- (Meditations 1-130) -- September 2010
AUGUST 2010 -- (1400 pages)
ENGLISH -- ACTS - In the Triumphal Procession of Christ -- (Meditations 1-123) -- August 2010
ENGLISH -- ROMANS - The Lord is Our Righteousness -- (Meditations 1-82) -- August 2010
JULY 2010 -- (1200 pages)
ENGLISH -- MARK - Who is Christ? -- (Meditations 1-112) -- July 2010
ENGLISH -- JOHN - The Light Shines in the Darkness -- (Meditations 1-130) -- July 2010
JUNE 2010 -- (900 pages)
GERMAN -- EPHESIANS - Werdet voll Geistes! -- (Meditations 1-48) -- June 2010
MAY 2010 -- (900 pages)
MARCH 2010 -- (600 pages)


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