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4. The Letter of Jesus Christ to the Church Leader in Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)
To the Rest in Thyatira, as Many as do not have this Doctrine, Who have not Known the Depths of Satan, I Will Put on you no Other Burden: The depth of the seducer’s wickedness becomes clear in the word of grace, which Jesus addressed to the rest of the church in Thyatira. Few members of the church had closed their hearts to Satan’s attractive revelations and satisfied themselves with the simple Gospel. Yet some had remained steadfast in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and in the communion of the Holy Spirit. The faithful in spirit remained unpolluted both mentally and bodily.
Even Eve fell into the trap of Satan when he deceived her and said that God would not want her to recognize and know evil. The evil one seduced her to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which developed in her an appetite for evil. She had known the good God long ago and now wanted to know the evil one as well. When she bit into the forbidden fruit, her eyes were opened to her sin. She lost her communion with God and was driven into the wilderness of life. She became mortal.
In just this manner the false prophetess in Thyatira, as a daughter of Eve, wanted to lead the church into the depths of Satan. Together with all her followers she became overly wicked. Whoever ventures today into the various practices of the occult, such as reading the dregs in coffee cups or participates in spiritualistic meetings in order to receive spirit communications or prophecy concerning the future, will come through his new faith into the powerful realm of evil. He himself will become evil and will be filled more and more with this evil spirit. Therefore, keep completely away from all occult practices! We must guard ourselves from all para-psychological studies and activities regarding the supernatural. All revelations, voices and visions outside of the Bible are lies. Jesus alone penetrated, overcame and revealed the depths of Satan. His revelations are sufficient.
Jesus called Satan, “the evil one”, and taught the children of God to pray to the heavenly Father “deliver us from the evil one”, for none of us can resist the devil’s craftiness and power. If we are in Christ, however, we shall have the promise to remain protected from the evil one.
Jesus called Satan a “liar” and “father of lies”. He unveiled him and showed him to be a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth (John 8:44), the most cunning of all deceivers (Genesis 3:1, cf. Sura Al 'Imran 3:54). He who does not stand fast in Jesus and does not live under the protection of His blood will fall into destruction. He will become corrupt spiritually and bodily, and a cause of corruption in others.
Jesus called Satan the ruler of this world who now will be cast out (John 12:31; 14:30). Paul called him the god of this age who has blinded the minds of those who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them (2 Corinthians 4:4).
John saw the evil one in the form of a great, fiery red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems on his heads. This great dragon was that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:3,7,9).
The church does not need to participate in séances or lessons in spiritism, for the Holy Bible unveiled the evil one a long time ago. He who, in spite of that, chooses to participate in the ways of Satan will fall under the influence of the evil one and wind up increasingly bound to his jurisdiction.
The church knows delivery from the power of the evil one. The Lord has given her another goal than to study the depths of Satan, for she is to plumb the depths of divinity. The body of Christ on earth, the church, has the privilege of training herself in being changed into the image of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10). This Spirit cries, “Abba, Father”. He shows us that the Almighty, holy and glorified Creator of the heavens and earth is our Father, from whom we receive His complete assurance and eternal life. The Holy Spirit also helps us to recognize that Jesus is the Son of Man, to experience our purification from sins by His blood, and to believe in Jesus’ judgment. The love of God appeared in Christ. His light, life, truth, way, royal judgment and resurrection are sufficient for us. We do not need spiritualist experiences separate from him.
Jesus pours out in us His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of comfort, the peace that is not known to the world. He is the power of God, the light, the life, the joy, the patience, the truth and the purity. He gives us the strength to love. Whoever lets himself be led by Jesus and His Spirit into the deep things of God experiences the truth of the word written by John in his epistle, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Hold Fast What you Have Till I Come: Jesus told the holy remnant of the church in Thyatira that kept themselves away from the false prophetess: “You have suffered enough under this daughter of the dragon. You did not fall for her deceiving temptations. I do not want to put upon you any other test, burden or persecution. But do not become haughty or think that you are better than those who went astray, for I am the One who kept you. You have no other honor than my grace. You are standing on the side of the Victor. Hold fast to my grace until I come.” The Lord confirms to the poor in spirit that He Himself will come again to them and to all those who wait for him soon. This soon coming of Jesus Christ was an abiding part of their faith.
Overcome, and Keep My Works Until the End: No human can overcome evil powers by himself. Yet, the Lord gives victory time and again to the one who clings to the name of Jesus and lives from His strength, built on the basis of His salvation. The Holy Spirit led Jesus to face Satan and his temptations in order that he should disarm the evil one, overcome his temptations by the word of God, and make him retreat in defeat. Thus, the Spirit of Jesus leads us to uncover personal temptations and the evil spirit trying to penetrate the church and overcome it by the word of God. The hatred of haters can only be melted by the love of lovers.
It is clear that we cannot obtain victory through our works, sacrifices, achievements and prayers, but only by our steadfastness in Christ’s works, power and truth, as Martin Luther sang:
Our striving would be loosing
Were not the right man on our side,
The man of God's own choosing:
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus it is He;
Lord Sabaoth His name,
From age to age the same,
And He must win the battle.
What are the Works of Jesus Christ? The birth of Christ meant the entrance of divine life into our world, tainted with sin and death. He fulfilled the Law of Moses and met all its requirements in His life and in His death. He summarized the entire law into one statement: that we love one another as he loved us (John 13:34).
The works of Jesus were indications of His love and creative power. He healed all the sick who came to him, drove out demons, and multiplied the bread of those who hungered for righteousness. He raised the dead and ate with tax-collectors and sinners.
On the cross He took upon Himself the sin of the world and endured our punishment. By his atoning death He quenched God’s wrath and reconciled us with God. He completed the salvation of all in this world who follow him.
The resurrection of Jesus revealed His victory over death and Satan. His presence in body and in spirit gave us a view to our future. His ascension to heaven is a part of His triumphal procession. He lives and rules with God, His Father, in eternity.
His Spirit leads us to a mission of love. Today Jesus works through His followers. He saves those who allow themselves to be saved.
The works of Jesus Christ are not empty words, but acts full of power and mercy. He delivered us from the curse of the law and translated us into the world of grace of the triune God. Two great promises shall work in him who holds fast to His grace and keeps His commandments. He gave these two promises to the remainder of the poor church in Thyatira, to which her compassionate minister also belonged.
He who Keeps My Works Until the End, to him I Will Give Power Over the Nations: No Christian is entitled to receive divine power to enable him to rule over others. We are all guilty nobodies. Yet Jesus gave His power to the sorrowful few Christians in Thyatira because they continued in Him and His works until the fall of the false prophetess. They were hardly able to refute the argumentation of this woman. Thus they held fast not only to Jesus’ words, but also to His works.
What power does Christ give His faithful ones? In Acts 1:8 Jesus said to His followers, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” For the sake of Jesus’ crucifixion His followers receive power to a witness that results in eternal life.
Heathen are dead in sin. The Jews called them unclean. Witnesses to Jesus were to raise the unclean dead. We all were like them – guilty sinners and spiritually dead. Yet, the blood of Jesus Christ cleansed us from all our sins. His Spirit gave us life, power and truth.
Heathen live within the power and authority of Satan. They need to be released from their bondages. The Holy Spirit guides Christ’s followers to invite the unbelievers to leave the world of Satan and enter into the church of Jesus. This signifies struggle and opposition. That is why Jesus said:
He Shall Rule Them With a Rod of Iron: The rod of iron can mean the word of God in His Law and Gospel, which was to be put into practice by the believers in Thyatira to bring the idolaters back into the protective realm of Christ, who would faithfully care for them. To wolves the rod of iron means death. To sheep it means life. But if a stubborn sheep fell into the danger of death, the shepherd must use the rod of iron and bring that sheep back to his flock. He punishes it that it may live.
Yet, whereas the majority of people are not prepared to join the flock of the Good Shepherd, but live far away without law, corrupting the world, the iron rod becomes both a measure for their evil and a rod of judgment, which punishes the people and condemns them fairly.
It was exactly the weak remnant of the church in Thyatira that received this global mission of shepherding and of judging. Why? Because the remnant abided in the love and patience of its first love, held fast to the works of Jesus Christ, and did not follow strange and deceiving teachings.
The Lord gave the shocked and decimated church foundational and clearly formulated tasks. He reminded the believers of His promise in Psalm 2:8-12, where He describes His work as being a Ruler over the nations. In the same manner, the church of Thyatira and similar churches must break the cultural powers and pagan forms of the heathen and dash their philosophies and programs in pieces with the iron rod of the Law and the Gospel. What is urgently required are not new philosophies, party programs, customs and teachings to improve the world, but rather the love of Jesus Christ, which is based on His grace and united with His holy presence. In the end, the last will be the first and the weakest the strongest. Jesus makes the lowly great when they recognize their weakness and overcome by looking in faith to the Victor.
Jesus Received the Power From His Father: Jesus deepened his royal promise to the troubled church in Thyatira, upon which some churches smiled mockingly. He revealed to them the power He had promised to those who continue in love, patience and faithfulness. It is the same power that the Son of God had received from His Father! This amazing declaration reminds us of Jesus’ missions charge to His troubled disciples, who had failed in faith and hope, saying to them, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (John 20:20). The helpless, lost sheep were themselves to become shepherds – commissioned as protectors, leaders, punishers and judges representing the Son of God.
Jesus authorized the church leader in Thyatira and the rest of the faithful ones by revealing to them the secret name of God in the New Covenant: Father. Jesus called him “My Father” for the second time in the Book of Revelation. Like Father, like Son! The Father gave him all His characteristics and attributes, all the power, all the riches, all the blessing, all the glory, for the Son was like Him - humble, meek, holy, and filled with love and patience. The Father came to us in the Son.
The Son taught us to pray, “Our Father in heaven ...” so that we, being “born-again”, might enter into the rights of his Son, and glorify the name of the Father before all people in words, in deeds, in prayer and in thought.
The name Father is God’s answer to Islam. This name can reform corrupt Judaism and give hope to a godless world. He who sees the Son sees the Father. He is the image of the invisible God. In the Son the Father came to search for us and find us. He wants to break us of our pride and save us from our sins, so that He may pull us out of the power of Satan and death. He wants to pour out His own eternal life into us. This only happens by believing in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, our Lord, who wants to raise us, give us life, and lead us by His Holy Spirit. He who knows the Father knows God, and recognizes the name that has all authority and power to create the new world (John 10:30, 36-38; 14:9-11; 17:21-26; Rom 8:14-18).
I Will Give Him The Morning Star: Jesus gives him who finds favor before him further grace for grace from His fullness. Thus Jesus promised the church leader and the sanctified remnant of his church the morning star as their equipping for service. This symbol contains various contents. He who sees the morning star knows that the night is soon to end, and the new day about to begin. This may give rise in the humble servant the certainty about the imminent coming of Christ, who will build a new kingdom in which righteousness dwells.
In the days of John, Venus was called the morning star, which was understood to be a sign of victory and dominion. In this sense the promise given meant that the victorious breakthrough of the new world was being realized through the loving and patient faithful in Thyatira, who held to the grace of Christ.
In the end the morning star signifies Jesus Himself, who comes brightly shining amid the dark night of the end time. His bright light is shining even now to all those who know Him. He will appear without delay, like the sun rising in its strength. As the “morning Star”, Jesus will give Himself to the weak. His power and authority will be manifested in holy love.
He who has an Ear, Let him Hear What the Spirit Says to the Churches: Now, dear reader, what message exactly did you hear by reading this book? Did you forget it quickly, as the motto goes: “in one ear and out the other?” Or do you hear the word of God and keep it? Jesus praises him who does not forget His word, but acts accordingly.
PRAYER: O Son of God, Just Judge and Good Shepherd, You know the limited gifts in Your servants; but he who clings to Your saving works and denies not Your name, "Jesus", receives from You the power to serve You among unclean peoples. Your Father also gave You the authority to spread the good amidst the evil. Help us not to prevent Your power from being perfected in our weakness, but to believe and to confess Your victory.
- What are the promises that Christ granted to the pastor in Thyatira?