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GALATIANS - I Have Been Crucified With Christ
Studies in the Letter of Paul to the Galatians


6. A final statement about the members of the grace of Christ (Galatians 6:11-14)

11 See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand! 12 As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. 13 For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. 14 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Many prophets in several nations were unable to read or write. However, Paul mastered two languages and probably more. In spite of his skill, he dictated most of his epistles to faithful brothers, for he did not work alone, but in cooperating fellowship. He used to write in the end of his epistles, with his own hand, a brief summary of his principle views, as a final signature that nobody might compose epistles in his name and spread misleading thoughts among the churches.

What is the summary of the message of the apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians? He warns his readers of those who seek their own glory, who are prepared to make a compromise between the law and the gospel in order to get rid of the persecution. The fanatic Jews would not persecute the Christians of Jewish origin as long as they kept the law, but they would only mock the poor followers of the Crucified. Yet, if those who were faithful to the law allowed unclean people to enter into the covenant with God without circumcision and submission to the law, the Jews would consider their action as infidelity and blasphemy. Therefore, some Christian Jews turned to circumcise the believers of Gentile origin in order that the church in Jerusalem might feel reassured, and not fall victim to the wave of persecution. They were not keen about the truth of the gospel, but about their own glory having won some Gentiles and become Jews.

However, Paul uncovered this hypocrisy, and testified to them from his own experiences that no man could keep the law completely. All the lawyers bore the thorn of complaint against their transgressions in their consciences, and they lowered this voice in their innermost bigotry and boastfulness with relation to success in the field of Jewish preaching.

Paul refused all glory, pride, or honor for himself. He did not want to bring fruits of himself, whether in his behavior, or in the conversion of others; but he delivered all the glory to the cross. Jesus had forgiven him his sins, and consequently he became righteous, justified, and acceptable to God. His glory was nothing else but the cross, for in it he obtained the covering of his faults. He regarded every pride of the world, and every honor in the religions as deception, for he knew the people as condemned, dead in sins, and perished in condemnation. All their intents, which appeared as good deeds were in fact unclean, fruitless, and refused. Righteousness and life come to us only from Christ with whom it is worthy to live. The new creation from his hand is not originated from man, but it is a grace, and a gift from God. The apostle warned his churches of all proud deceivers; and he gave, in the end of his epistle, all the boast, honor, and glory to the Crucified.

PRAYER: O Lord Jesus, you provided atonement for my transgressions, and you washed all my sins. I thank you because you sanctified me with all believers. We have no honor, or dignity, except your cross. You are our glory. We are under a heavy burden, but are clothed with your holiness, which makes us holy, and without blame before you in love. Amen.


  1. Why did the apostle reject all honor and dignity in man, and chose only the honor, which comes from Christ?


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