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5. What do You Think About Christ's Power?
He who ponders Jesus' works will realise that he has unlimited abilities, for all heavenly power and authority were given to him in their fullness. He executed Gods works openly and no one could do the things he did.
He healed the lepers by word of his tongue, and he opened the eyes of the blind by his kindness. He stilled the furious storm with mere words. He drove out demons by rebuking them and he satisfied five thousand people using only five loaves and two fish. No man ever did anything like this before.
Some prophets performed limited miracles in the name of their Lord, but Christ brought about his deeds in his own name, by his overwhelming authority.
There was a man called Lazarus who had died and had been buried. His weeping relatives came to Jesus for help. When he reached their village, Lazarus had already been buried for four days. Then Christ came forward to his grave and shouted with a mighty voice: "Lazarus come out!" And the dead one really came out!
You also, when you hear the divine voice of the one who makes you alive will be raised from the spiritual death of your sins. For Christ said: "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25).
The day will come when all the dead will hear his voice and will be raised either to life with God or to a fearful judgement. And you too, if you open your heart to Christ's voice, will receive happiness and life eternal.