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1. The Preparations for the Enthronement (Revelation 5:1-6)
The Seven Eyes of the Lamb: The lamb which John saw was not a mortal lamb, but it only looked like it. His appearance was a visualisation of the spiritual reality of the risen Christ, of his humility, omnipotence and omniscience. Likewise as God is the Spirit (John 4:24), in the same way the Lord Jesus is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17). The seven eyes of the Lamb are like the seven torches before the throne of God a symbol of the inexplicability of the Holy Spirit. The Lord sees everything, knows everything, looks through everything and understands everything. He is omniscient. The seven eyes of the Savior are, however, not like the eyes of a policeman who writes down every punishable act, but rather like the eyes of a mother while knowing the faults and sins of her children, nevertheless hoping and believing that they change for the better and being eager to help them for this purpose. The seven Spirits of God are the holy eyes of the love of Jesus Christ. He had kept an eye on each of the seven churches in Minor Asia. With him there is no "out of sight, out of mind!"
The seven Spirits of God, on behalf of whom John granted grace and peace to the churches, are at the same time the seven Spirits of Jesus Christ. The Lord testified, "All things that the father has are mine" (John 16:15). Revelation 3:1 reads that Jesus introduced himself who has the seven Spirits of God and is about to revive the spiritually dead church leader in Sardis. In this context the unity of the Holy Trinity is shown clearly (John 3:35; 10:30; 14:9-11+23-26; 16:7; 17:2+21-24; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:20). The seven Spirits of God who are at the same time the seven eyes of the Lamb did not remain in heaven but were prepared to be sent in all countries of the earth. They are also nowadays on the way to all continents so as to save souls. Not we are those who go and evangelize, but the Spirit of God is moving and saving. We often lag behind. We are not Saviors, but only witnesses of what the true Savior works in spite of our inability. As many as are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God (Romans 8:14). The whole saving power of heaven is on the way. Do we still sleep? Or what can the Lord do through us who are incapable?
PRAYER: O Holy Lamb of God, You were born of Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit, and were filled with Him when You were baptized in the Jordan. You anoint Your followers with Your pure Spirit, and You send them to the whole world. Help us not to be idle, but to get us and testify that Your Kingdom comes and dwells today everywhere.
- What do we derive from the seven eyes in the Lamb of God?