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4. Don’t Tamper With the Prophecy! (Revelation 22:18-19)
18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, if anyone adds to them, may God add to him the plagues which are written in this book. 19 If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, may God take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book.
The living Lord is watching over his word (Jeremiah 1:12). The Word of God is right and it stands firm forever and ever. (Psalm 33:4; 119:89; and other verses.). Jesus himself guarantees the unadulterated quality of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament (Matthews 5:17-18; 24:35; John 17:17; and other verses).
The risen Lord warns all those who want to manipulate his word:
- Whoever adds to the revealed sayings something that contradicts the content and spirit of the Bible, may be from philosophy, psychology or from another science or from his own experience, to him will the Lord add the plagues of the angels and of the lake of fire, which are described in the Book of Revelation.
- From a preacher, who deliberately keeps quiet about, withholds or falsifies inconvenient or out of fashion passages of the Scriptures, the Lord may blot out his right on the tree of life in the holy city. He will therefore not be able to live in eternity, but has to suffer the second death.
- Whoever does not interpret texts of the Book of Revelation according to the Bible, but in a fantastic manner and believing in a proud and erroneous manner that he has a prophetic spirit, belongs to the category of falsifier and has to suffer their punishment.
- He who translates or reproduces texts from the Geek or Hebraic language should pray for wisdom and preciseness so that he may not unwittingly become the cause for falsification and deception.
- He who is about to interpret the word of prophecy of the revelation of Christ to John should do this with fear and trembling so that he does not speculate but humbly brings his mind under control of the revealed Word of God and like John hears in a praying attitude and testifies what the spirit says to the churches!
Not every listener has the spiritual maturity so as to understand all texts of the Book of Revelation. Who does not, however, want to listen to the Word of God or stifles what he had heard, belongs to those who deceive themselves and their Lord. Therefore, the mysteries of the Book of Revelation should be interpreted first and foremost in the church and in Bible classes which are founded in the cross of Christ.
Those who are responsible in the church bear heavy responsibility before the Lord. They pass on the precious water of life and the satisfying bread of life. Who on earth will drink dirty water or eat bread contaminated with harmful additives? The spiritual diseases in many churches often derive from lack of faithfulness of the preacher when they pass on the word of God. Those, however, who read carefully the whole word of God and translate it into the present-day language, will speak through the authority and power of the Holy Spirit.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we worship and magnify You because Your word establishes in us everlasting life. Help us so that we may not add to it philosophy, psychology, or earthly thoughts, but work hard that we may not forget or keep quiet about any verse of it. Guide us to openly spread the word of truth in the way of love and wisdom. Amen.
- Why did nobody distort the Holy Bible? If one tried to, what would happen to him?