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6. It is Done! (Revelation 21:6)
The Fountain of Water of Life: The fresh water of life is the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39). In the Orient the availability of spring water is a matter of life and death. Wherever is no water, there is a desert. Whoever finds himself in a waterless desert is exposed to the risk of dying. Wherever water is springing up trees are growing, meadows are turning green, fruits are ripening and life is springing up. (Psalm 23:1-3; Isaiah 55:1; John 4:10-15; 7:37-39; and other verses).
Jesus says, “If any man thirsts, let him come to me, and drink!” (John 7:37b). The Redeemer himself is the fountain of water of live. He may be compared with a never running dry well. But no one who drinks from His water of live will ever be thirsty again (John 4:14; 6:35). Whoever drinks from the wondrous water of Jesus will himself even become a fountain of living water.
The water of God coming out from the throne of the Father and the Son does never run dry. This brook of life will become a stream and a great river in the desert, without any tributaries causing it to swell. (Ezekiel 47:1-12; Zechariah 14:8-9; Revelation 22:1-4). This holy water contents the life of God. Whoever drinks thereof will become healthy, sanctified and will live forever.
Freely! The life-giving water is far too expensive as it had cost the life of the Son of God. Only because He died so as to atone for the sins of men the holy water may flow without hindrance to the justified sinner. Nowadays petrol is expensive. In the foreseeable future drinking water, either from the tap or canned, may become more expensive than petrol. However, the precious water from the eternity is given freely! Have you already drunk thereof?
All men who do not drink from this water remain dead in sins instead of living in eternity. Their existence is not based on the power of God, but they vegetate in the lusts of their flesh and destroy themselves. In the Last Judgment they will not be able to give any excuse. Father and Son had offered them the water of life constantly and freely. However, they did not want to stoop so as to drink from the river of grace. They did not want to be sanctified and to serve in love like Jesus who became a servant for many (Matthew 20:28).
No one, whether being Christian or Jew, atheist or Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu, animist or materialist, receives God's righteousness and everlasting life without drinking from the water of life which is being offered to him freely day and night. Two third of mankind, however, do not yet call themselves Christians, and even more people are not living in a spiritual manner. So, the happy people who have become alive by means of the living water of God are called to be run after all thirsty people as water carrier and to offer them freely the heavenly elixir. Are you still sitting or are you already running? Are you aware that you are able to offer freely to people something very special: namely, the water of live?
PRAYER: Our Father in heaven, You are the life that appeared in the Son of Mary and reached us through the Holy Spirit. Your powerful word is like the living water which springs from Christ Jesus, who is the fountain of life. Help us so that we may not only drink thankfully of the water of heaven, but bring it wisely to everyone that they may be spiritually purified and renewed, giving thanks for each drop of this living water. Amen.
- Why do we call the word of God and of the Holy Spirit, “the water of life", and why do we call Christ, “the fountain of life"?